Signs of Autumn 2024

Creekside Autumn 2024

Creekside Autumn 2024

In the crisp breezes of October, the signs are clear, autumn has arrived in Creekside.  Click or right-click the photos to view them full size.

Creekside Autumn 2024

As the days shorten and the sun rises ever lower, the winds set the rhythms for dances of light and shadows.  Because of our evergreens, the Pacific Northwest pallet tends to be darker.  Fall is the time when deciduous leaf colors puncture the darkness.

Creekside Autumn 2024

"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!  Are we going to sing pumpkin carols?"

Creekside Autumn 2024

A medieval danse macabre summons Creeksiders to Halloween tricks and treats.

Creekside Autumn 2024

Creekside Autumn 2024

When the sun comes out, autumn is the best time to get outside and enjoy nature.  Not too hot, not too cold, not too crowded, it's the quiet, gentle season.

Creekside Autumn 2024

Our pooches should not be allowed Halloween candies containing xylitol or chocolate, but an occasional severed hand is fine.

Creekside Autumn 2024


Creekside Autumn 2024

Creekside Autumn 2024

Autumn reminds us of the inherent cycle of life and renewal in the way nature prepares for winter slumber.  Spiders are out laying their their eggs now, while the trees shed their leaves to replenish the earth,

Creekside Autumn 2024

Creekside Autumn 2024

Ancient ancestor moss, often overlooked, is the lifeblood of habitats worldwide.  A Northern Flicker has found a patch of goodies under the moss to help fatten up for winter.  Elsewhere, an entire ecosystem lives on a stone.  Mosses flourish in the cool dampness of autumn.

Creekside Autumn 2024

"Autumn symbolizes a season of maturity and wisdom with its gentle embrace and vibrant colors. As nature enters a stage of graceful transition, it reflects the knowledge gained through cycles of growth and transformation." 

Creekside Autumn 2024

Creekside Autumn 2024

"Autumn’s crisp air and falling leaves symbolize a season of coziness and comfort. As nature prepares for the colder months ahead, Autumn invites us to find solace in the warmth and comfort of our surroundings."

If autumn is your favorite season, you might also enjoy Creekside Village Autumn 2020.
