Out With the Old...

New Upper Lane/D Avenue Mailboxes

By now everyone has probably seen and used the new mailbox kiosks.  Above are the new mailboxes for Upper Lane residents.  Click or right-click the images to see them full size.  Large letter or legal size envelopes will no longer need to be wadded up to fit in the boxes.

Old Creekside Circle Mailboxes
New Creekside Circle Mailboxes

The old and the new at Creekside Circle.  Left, the old mailboxes on rusting posts, held together with zip ties.  Right, new, modern, and solid, made of rust-proof, powder-coated aluminum.

New H Avenue Mailboxes

The new Creekside H Avenue mailbox kiosks.  But what happened to the in-ground valve box to the left?  Every box in our three stations is uniquely numbered now, from 1 to 76, eliminating duplicates.

New Creekside Parcel Lockers

Each station now has at least one additional parcel locker.

Anyone who still needs to get their box keys, see the News post of January 12.

Dave Wenning